
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

On my absence, and a Happy New Year to all!

Hey guys,

I'm really sorry for my continued absence! 2014 was not a good blogging year for me. First I was very busy with my MA thesis, then I spent a few weeks abroad, then I blogged some, then NaNoWriMo came around... I thought I could do better in December but I just moved house last weekend (of course, moving day was when the weather decided that Switzerland finally needed All The Snow) and was busy packing before that (boxing up all those books!) and also flew to Belgium... to go on a roadtrip to the north of England to see the last ever show of a favorite band.

So yes. Busy. Also, I am without internet in the new apartment until at least mid-January (I am sneaking this post in at work, hence the lack of gifs). I just wanted to give you a quick update as to what is going on. I hope I can post a lot more reviews and discussions in 2015! I don't like what the blog looked like these past few months and want to get into a routine again.

On that note, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a happy new year and, as we say here, guete Rutsch!


  1. Sounds like you've had a busy year. Hope things slow down a bit for you in the coming months.

    1. I hope so too! Then again, I'd like to do an internship at a literary agency or publishing house in spring/summer, which means I have to go abroad... so I think I'll still be busy. But a better kidn of busy.

  2. Does sound like a busy year. I can relate. I spent the last 18 months in Italy on a humanitarian trip and couldn't read books or write reviews or do anything like that, so yeah I did not post anything until November.

    Hope things calm down and good luck with everything. We'll all be here waiting for your return. :)

    1. You were in Italy? that means we weren't even that far away from each other :) Sucks that you didn't have time to read, but I hope the trip itself was worth it!

  3. I'm pretty sure Masters Programs are blogging and reading's worst nightmares. Mine has been picking my butt and I only just started! I haven't even begun writing my thesis yet. @.@ I hope 2015 goes smoother for you!

    1. My MA program was okay for the first two years, it was just the thesis that really bothered me! I wanted to finish in the summer so I had to write it in about 5 months instead of the usual 10-12...I hope you'll have a great 2015 too!

  4. You really did have a crazy busy year with lots of stuff going on! I do miss you and chatting bookish and non-bookish things with you so I hope to see more of you in the new year! I hope the move went smoothly (minus ALL THE SNOW) - we moved too in the end of November and it was an adjustment...not to mention going without internet at home for TWO weeks *twitch*

    I hope you had a wonderful holiday season Carmen and I wish you nothing but happiness, love and good books in the new year ♥

    1. Yeah, a lot of stuff happened last year! I miss talking to you too and having the time to take blogging seriously and check others' posts and write my own and do discussions and stuff :(
      The move went well, we were so much quicker because a guy friend of my sister and our cousin's boyfriend (who for some reason really likes to help people move house, as long it's not his own stuff) helped!
      The no internet thing is really bothering me though. Looks like they won't get it set up before January 27, which is a lot later than initially promised. That would mean no internet for a month x_X

      I hope you had great holidays too and a great start into the new year! Le'ts toast to great books and I'm still sort of keeping my fingers crossed for BEA ;)
